About us

Our private medical clinic is located in Saint-Sauveur, 45 min. north of Montreal.
Dr Michel Taillefer md offer medical assessments and active treatments for acute and chronic pain issues. Although he was trained as a general practitioner, his medical practice has been specifically oriented toward musculo-squeletal pain therapy for over 40 years.
We regularly rely on a network of different therapists in the Laurentian area to complement our medical procedures to optimize the outcome of our treatments.
A vast majority of our clients are adults dealing with pains issues related to rhumatology, physiatry, orthopedics and sports medecine with frequent overlaps. Most of them are sent to us for differents injections procedures. For the purpose of optimizing efficacy and safety , all our injections technics are done under ultrasound guidance. As early as 2010 we observed a clear improvement in the outcome of ultrasound-guided injections over traditional blind injection since we were able to localize clearly the target tissues we wanted to treat. This gives us an important advantage from the point of view of the localization of irritated or inflamed musculoskeletal structures.
Another important advantage of ultrasound procedures is guiding injections in real time. This allows a degree of precision of the injections otherwise impossible when the injections are made in a traditional way i.e. “blind”.
When we do a first medical assessment, our goal is to clarify what our patient is dealing with and what are the best therapeutic options available.
The medical visits are also an opportunity to complete our interventions:
- By improving understanding of causes and desirable preventive attitudes,
- By optimizing therapeutic exercises at home,
- By making additional nutritional recommendations,
- By prescribing appropriate orthotics,
- By adjusting the medication when required (analgesic, anti-inflammatory, etc.),
- By seeking expert advice from our specialist colleagues,
- By suggesting additional care (physiotherapy, osteo, RPG, occupational therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, etc.)
At Centre Médical Plexus we value our patient’s personal involvement in their therapy
We like to remind them this old saying” Use it or loose it ! “
We treat our patient the exact same way we would like to be treated…
Michel Taillefer MD